
Thursday 18 March 2021

Gummy bear osmosis


I want to find out what happens to gummy bears when we put them into  different solutions.


I predict that the gummy bears will grow bit by bit.

I predict that the gummy bears will dissolve into the solutions.



  • You will need 4x gummy bears of the same colour
  • You  will need 2x petri dishes
  • Taper towel 2x
  • Marker
  • Water
  • Sugar water
  • Salt water
  • Electronic balance
  • beaker
  • Measuring cylinder
  • safety glasses
  1. Gather your equipment.
  2. Put on your safety glasses.
  3. Using the marker, write the name of the condition on the petri dish. DRY,WATER,SALT WATER,SUGAR WATER.
  4. Weigh the gummy bear and write the weight on the petri dish.
  5. Measure 40mL of the solution and pour it into the petri dish.

        Results 2.0:

What is osmosis
Osmosis, the spontaneous passage or diffusion of water or other solvents through a semipermeable membrane (one that blocks the passage of dissolved substances—i.e., solutes).

DryWaterSalt waterSugar water
Initial weight5.51g5.51g5.51g
Final weight4.28g5.25g6.40g
weight differencegained 1.230.26g1.2g
Initial volume40mL40mL40mL
final volume0mL0mLomL
volume difference
lost 40mLlost 40mLlost 40mL

Thursday 11 March 2021

Skittles Colour Experiment


I won't to find out what happens when I put Skittles in water.



  • Skittles
  • Petri dish
  • Warm water
  • beaker
  • white background


  1. get equipment
  2. put the 8 Skittles in the perti dish
  3. Spread the Skittles around the petri dish evenly
  4. gently pour the water into the middle of the perti dish
  5. don't over fill the perti dish
  6. observe and record what happens

I think I will see the skittles colour would head to the centre


I saw the colour of the Skittles moving into the centre slowly and if you shook it it turned brown.
Because all the colours of the Skittles mixed together.

How cars changed the world

 How cars changed the world

 Hi readies we have to do three docs or slides of three articles and there are tasks that we have to do and we have to complete it and also we have to do a timeline. and after we finish all that we have to post on blog after we are done and here is my work. hope you learned something new.



Hello I'm talking about my sports hero Pele I really like how humble he is and how he started from the bottom and moved his way up and has become the goat and when I go to football training I like to admire him. and ill list some facts about him. I think you guys will like how I did. I heard about pele when I was young i was 5 when my dad told me. I look up to him because i love football and he plays football and he is  a real legend.

Tuesday 2 March 2021


 Conical flask.  


It holds liquids in the flask. You can also make elephant toothpaste fun fact elephant toothpaste is extremely hot and could burn you. We also have some others like beakers and a ton of other equipment. We also have some