
Wednesday, 30 June 2021

My favourite piece of decades of music

 My favourtie piece

Hello readers we have been learning about music from different decades, we could ether do it on a slide or a google doc and once we chose we first had to write 1900s - 2000s and write facts about the most popular singer, band and what type of music.

 My favorite was the 1920s because I really like the sound of the music and how calm the music is, also there is many different variaty of music like jazz and others. In the 1920s Jazz was the most popular type of music and the most popular singer I think it was willie the lion smith and his music is really good and clam if you want to hear it the the text. Just saying it is really relaxing and fun to listen. I really liked doing this because I could hear people from different decades.

My favourite part of decades of music

I think I did well but I could improve by adding more words and less videos. 
Please comment on my blog. What do you think I could do better

Tuesday, 29 June 2021



In the past week we have been learing about how to use the ukulele also what types and sizes the ukulele are. Also we went outside and with a group of three and we played the ukulele untill the end of the day. Next Mrs allan-fletcher showed us some youtube clips to help us play the ukulele and people playing songs with the ukulele, the biggest ukulele is called Baritone and the smallest ukulele is called a saprano we played with a ukulele called concert it was really fun for me because I had never played a ukulele before. I still need a bit more pratcise but once I get a bit more pratice then I will be better then when I first started playing. I hope you like what I have been talking about.   click this to learn how to play a song 

Thursday, 3 June 2021

My hero

                                                    My Hero

Hello my name is Jason and my hero is Chelsea Bremnner. You may have not heard of her or maybe you have?. Chelsea Bremnner is a Black ferns womens rugby team also the Canterbury womens team.She is also sponsored Adidas but only she can get shoes sad vibes😢😢. She is also a hurumanu teacher.

Lighting a Bunsen Burner

  1. Get the equipment.
  2. Wear safety glasses.
  3. Put the heat mat in the middle of the bench.
  4. connect the gas hose to the gas tap.
  5. turn the collar to close the air hole.
  6. light the lighter on top of the nozzle and hold the flame over the nozzle.
  7. turn the gas tap.
  8. turn the collar to open the air hole.
  9. close the air hole and turn of the gas



Hello my name is Jason and i'm from al. Today we have been learning new sports in P.E we first learned netball with Miss Bancroft our teacher she  taught us the fundamentals of netball. At first I thought netball would be boring but now its kind of fun. There are rules like  no stepping no dribbling  no jump shots and  you have to be a metre away from the person that has the ball, also there is no back board so its even more harder for people how play basketball.



Hello bloggers, i'm Jason and today we will be talking about stomp. Stomp is where we make different sounds using random objects like pencils,rulers,pens and a bucket to make a sound, also we had to be in a group and in my group was me, Shadrach, Renz, Isaiah and Me, also we had a pretty cool beat and it sounds like this. Also it took a long time to do because we wanted the perfect beat and it took awhile but int the end we got it.