
Monday 1 November 2021

labour weekend.

 Hello bloggers today I will be taking about labour weekend.  Also what I did in the labour weekend.

S. (Social activities) spending time with my family in my backyard. Then me and my family went to the park. Also my, my sister and brother went on the playground and I enjoy going outside with my family.

P. (Physical activities) I went on my scooter to the park and played football in my backyard and basketball and the basketball court near my house.

I. (Intellectual) I Word Scapes and It really helped my brain to gain knowledge and I could name a lot of words from a bunch of random letters.

L.(likes) I like playing football with my family and friends and then I played basketball with my friend at the park.

E.(emotional) I felt happy being outside and felt playing sports outside.

S.(success) The success is that I scored against my opponent/friend and I won.

Thursday 7 October 2021

what is a base

 An acid is a liquid that has a H/Hydrogen atom that can react.

  • Nitric acid                      HNO3
  • Sulfuric acid                   H2SO4
  • Hydrochloric acid           HCl

A base is the opposite of an acid. Also has an OH Which is Hydroxide that can react.

When an acid and a base react they neutralise (cancel out) each other.

Videos about bases

Friday 1 October 2021

Making Hokey pokey


I want to find out how to make Hokey Pokey.


How to make hokey pokey

funny hokey pokey dance off

Science of hokey pokey



  • Pot
  • 5 tbsp of sugar
  • 2 tbsp of Golden syrup
  • 1 tbsp of baking powder ( Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate)
  • Mixing spoon
  • Bunsen burners
  • Baking paper

  1. Get you equipment ready.
  2. set up your Bunsen Burner ( Yellow safety flame)
  3. Put your pot on the tripod and use the blue flame.
  4. Add the 5 tbsp of sugar and 2 tbsp of golden syrup.
  5. Mix it the the wooden spoon.
  6. Stop mixing and turn off the Bunsen when the sugar boil.
  7. Add the Baking powder and mix.
  8. Pour the mixture onto the baking paper
  9. Let it cool.


Thursday 30 September 2021

All About Stoats

 KIA Ora readers, today I will be talking about stoats. Stoats are a pesky weasel that are endemic to New Zealand and kill native birds for fun sometimes. The stoat is part of the weasel family and they have a brown/black fur on top and a white undercoat. 

We are learning about NZ flora and fauna which is like plants and animals in hurumanu 1/ Nga Tangata and that stands for The People. We read this book called Uncle Don Knows Heaps Of Wacky Stuff from page 12 -16. In my opinion this book is fantastic absolute lovely and I would like to read it more so I can get more information about New Zealand flora and fauna. 

All About Stoats


My reflection is that I enjoy doing this because there are many animals that I did not know that live in New Zealand and I get to learn about them. The book Uncle Don Know Heaps Of Wacky Stuff is very fun to read and it has a lot of facts about New Zealand flora and fauna.

Monday 27 September 2021

Drama term 3

 Hi Readers today I will be talking about drama. 

I learned about 

  1. comedy
  2. tragedy
  3. melodrama 
  4. musical

What games I've enjoyed

  1. Wink Murderer
  2. Hide n seek
  3. rising of the dead
  4. U
  5. J F K

What was challenging
Nothing was that challenging at all

What Styles/genre did I enjoy
I enjoyed comedy because it was very fun to watch and it makes me laugh.
I enjoyed melodrama because it is very unique and I like the plot twists.

Friday 24 September 2021

What is An acid

 Name of three acid you need to know in year 10:

  1. Hydrochloric acid
  2. sulfuric Acid
  3. Nitric acid

Formulae of acid 
  1. HCl
  2. H2SO4
  3. HNO3
Where do you find acid:
  1. Plaque is in your teeth and it poos out acid.
  2. Stomach acid is the same as hydrochloric acid and when you throw up the stomach acid burns your teeth.
  3. Lemons and oranges have citric acid and it is very sour and if you have a lot you can have diarrhoea.

What is acid:
  • an acid contains hydrogen atoms that break off to react with a substance.
  • Blue litmus paper changes red when you add acid 
  • The Red Litmus paper keeps its colour when it is in acid

Thursday 23 September 2021

The Bittern

 KIA Ora readers, I will tell you about what i'm doing today. We are learning about NZ floura & Fauna which if plants and animals endemic to NZ and I learned about the bittern which is a bird that is very shy and hardly seen. We learned it in hurumanu 3 which is Te Ao Whanui and the story that we had to read was uncle don knows heaps of wacky stuff the book is very interesting. I used this app called canva which I had never used before, it was very interesting to use and I would like to use it a lot more. 


It was my first time using canva and I really like it because it is very unique and way more better than google slides. And it was so much easier to use then a google slide because you have to search a picture and then take a photo of that and put it on your google slide. With canva there is a search bar and search a picture and it comes without making a tab of a new picture and delete the tab. 

Here is my presentation

My Presentatation

Friday 17 September 2021

Red Cabbage Indicator


I want to find out how to tell if something is an acid.



  • Beaker
  • Red Cabbage
  • Boiling water
  • dropper
  • test tubes
  • different samples for testing

  1. Get your equipment ready
  2. Ripped the cabbage into tiny pieces into your beaker.
  3. Add about 100mL of boiling water. Into your beaker until it takes the colour out.
  4. then wait until the colour of the beaker turns purple.
  5. then you get your hydrochloric acid and hydroxide
  6. then your pour 2cm of hydrochloric acid and add hydroxide into your test tube then you add the red cabbage water.
  7. and see what the colour is.
The result was that the more hydroxide you added the pink/red it would get. The more hydrochloric acid you add the purple/ dark colour it would be.

Friday 10 September 2021

Making Sherbet


I want to find out how to make sherbet.


How to make sherbet



  • raro and icing sugar
  • Cup or container
  • Citric acid
  • Tartaric Acid
  • Baking powder
  • Popsicle stick
  • tea spoon
  1. Get your equipment ready
  2. Add one teaspoon of sugar and raro into your cup
  3. Add half a teaspoon of acid to the cup
  4. Add half a teaspoon of baking powder to the cup
  5. Mix with the stick
  6. taste the sherbet and adjust the flavour.


there was no reaction in the cup
The powders dissolved in my mouth and then it fizzed in my mouth

Why did it foam up in the mouth? citric acid + NaCo3 equal to CO2 

Wednesday 18 August 2021

Hot chilli tasting


I want to find out if milk will help reduce burn of the hot sauce.


how long does it take to get rid of the spice with out water and it took 3:50

how long does it take to get rid of hot sauce with water and it took 3: 20

how long does coke take to get rid of hot sauce taste and it takes 5:50

how long does milk take to get rid of hot sauce taste and it takes 

Video 1 this is the experiment on what we are doing

video 2 this is a explanation of how spice affects you

video 3 for video three skip to 1:10 for funny scene.



  • Hot sauce
  • toothpick
  • stopwatch
  1. Get all of your equipment.
  2. Dip the toothpick in the hot sauce.
  3. suck the hot sauce of the toothpick.
  4. Start timing.
  5. stop timing when it stops burning.

Tuesday 17 August 2021

bacteria in school


I want to find out where the dirtiest place at school.


funny video

science of bacteria

how to swab surfaces



  • Petri dish
  • Cotton tip
  • marker
  • Sellotape
  1. Get your equipment
  2. Divide your plate using a marker pen.
  3. Label the sections with what you swab.
  4. Take your cotton tip and swab a surface.
  5. Gently swab the surface of the agar jelly.

Friday 13 August 2021

My favourite Olympian

 Hello bloggers, today we have been learning about the Olympics. In today blog I will be talking about my favourite Olympian and my favourite Olympian is Neymar Jr. I know people might be saying that Neymar Jr was never in the Olympics but he was in the Rio De Janeiro in Brazil t was in 2016.  He won a gold medal for his team and he started crying after he won gold for his team.

Making ginger beer


I want to make ginger beer without buying store bought ginger beer.


video 1

Video 2

video 3


Get you equipment:

  1. Get yeast
  2. Get the sugar 
  3. Get the warm water or lemon juice.
  4. add ginger powder.
  5. tbsp
  6. Get bottle

The instructions are 
  1. Pour warm water or lemon juice into a bottle.
  2. Put 4 tbsp of sugar.
  3. add ginger powder.
  4. mix the sugar well
  5. pour a touch of yeast into cup or bottle.


It tasted like alcohol and ginger and it smelt disgusting .

Wednesday 4 August 2021

Arts [Impasto technique]

 Hello readers, Welcome to my blog, today I will be talking about the impasto technique. The impasto technique is a technique which people express there emotions by there movements of there brushes. The person that we are talking about is Vincent Van Gogh was a pioneer on using the impasto technique.

Answer the following questions and post these to your blog:

1.What does the word impasto mean? Look up the word in, then type your answer here: The meaning of Impasto is a painting that applies the acrylic paint thickly so that brush or palette knife marks are visible.

2.How can an impasto brushstrokes express emotions? I think that it expresses emotions by the movement and the brushstrokes.

3.Was Van Gogh one of the first painters to use impasto technique?

Rembrandt frans hals was the first to introduce the impasto technique but Vincent van Gogh a talented user of the impasto technique.

Vincent Van gogh is a very good impasto technique user.

Tuesday 27 July 2021

Blind Taste Testing


I want to find out how things taste.





  • Blind fold
  • mystery food
  1. Get equipment every time.
  2. put your blindfold on.
  3. taste test the food.
  5. Guess what food it is.
  6. Record you observations in a table chart


Food 1. When i ate the food, it felt weird in my mouth also there was flavor.

food 2. when i ate citrus acid . In the first second it was sour and then when i unblocked my nose it was even more Sour.

Food 3. When i ate baking soda it tastes very bitter and disgusting.

Food 4. it was salt and it tasted salty and it tasted. and i could tasted the salt on the tip of my tongue

food 5. the food was sugar and it was sweet and it hit the sides of my mouth.

Food 6. sherbet tastes sweet and salty and it was bubbling inside you mouth

Wednesday 30 June 2021

My favourite piece of decades of music

 My favourtie piece

Hello readers we have been learning about music from different decades, we could ether do it on a slide or a google doc and once we chose we first had to write 1900s - 2000s and write facts about the most popular singer, band and what type of music.

 My favorite was the 1920s because I really like the sound of the music and how calm the music is, also there is many different variaty of music like jazz and others. In the 1920s Jazz was the most popular type of music and the most popular singer I think it was willie the lion smith and his music is really good and clam if you want to hear it the the text. Just saying it is really relaxing and fun to listen. I really liked doing this because I could hear people from different decades.

My favourite part of decades of music

I think I did well but I could improve by adding more words and less videos. 
Please comment on my blog. What do you think I could do better

Tuesday 29 June 2021



In the past week we have been learing about how to use the ukulele also what types and sizes the ukulele are. Also we went outside and with a group of three and we played the ukulele untill the end of the day. Next Mrs allan-fletcher showed us some youtube clips to help us play the ukulele and people playing songs with the ukulele, the biggest ukulele is called Baritone and the smallest ukulele is called a saprano we played with a ukulele called concert it was really fun for me because I had never played a ukulele before. I still need a bit more pratcise but once I get a bit more pratice then I will be better then when I first started playing. I hope you like what I have been talking about.   click this to learn how to play a song 

Thursday 3 June 2021

My hero

                                                    My Hero

Hello my name is Jason and my hero is Chelsea Bremnner. You may have not heard of her or maybe you have?. Chelsea Bremnner is a Black ferns womens rugby team also the Canterbury womens team.She is also sponsored Adidas but only she can get shoes sad vibes😢😢. She is also a hurumanu teacher.

Lighting a Bunsen Burner

  1. Get the equipment.
  2. Wear safety glasses.
  3. Put the heat mat in the middle of the bench.
  4. connect the gas hose to the gas tap.
  5. turn the collar to close the air hole.
  6. light the lighter on top of the nozzle and hold the flame over the nozzle.
  7. turn the gas tap.
  8. turn the collar to open the air hole.
  9. close the air hole and turn of the gas



Hello my name is Jason and i'm from al. Today we have been learning new sports in P.E we first learned netball with Miss Bancroft our teacher she  taught us the fundamentals of netball. At first I thought netball would be boring but now its kind of fun. There are rules like  no stepping no dribbling  no jump shots and  you have to be a metre away from the person that has the ball, also there is no back board so its even more harder for people how play basketball.



Hello bloggers, i'm Jason and today we will be talking about stomp. Stomp is where we make different sounds using random objects like pencils,rulers,pens and a bucket to make a sound, also we had to be in a group and in my group was me, Shadrach, Renz, Isaiah and Me, also we had a pretty cool beat and it sounds like this. Also it took a long time to do because we wanted the perfect beat and it took awhile but int the end we got it.

Thursday 27 May 2021

Kate Sheppard activity

 Kate Sheppard 

Hello bloggers Today I will be talking about Kate Sheppard. Kate Sheppard was born in Liverpool England in 1847. In 1885 Kate joined WCTU also known as  (The women's Christians temperance union) which aims to make women's the right to vote. Then she moved to new Zealand and Kate got on the newspaper and wanted New Zealand to be the first country to have women's vote.


 Recall and inferences

  1. Where was Kate Sheppard born?. She was born in Liverpool england.

  1. Why do you think Kate Sheppard was placed on the $10 dollar note?. Kate Sheppard made girls vote so that's why I think she got on the ten dollar note.

  1. What does WCTU stand for? It stands for Women's christan temperance union.

  1. What are 3 actions Kate Sheppard took in her quest for women to have the right to vote? 1.She got over 32,000 womens for her petition and it was 270 meters long 2. The women’s right to vote finally became a law on the 19th of september  3. Kate Sheppard also helped organise the National council of women.

  2. True or false

(1. Was Kate Sheppard born in the 1847 )True or false

(2. Was Australia the first country to allow women to vote)True or false

(3. Did nearly 32,000 signatures were collected in her petition) True or false

(4. Could you imagine Kate Sheppard on the new 20 dollar note)True or false 

  1. summarise in your own words

She was born in Liverpool England in 1847 and she was married at 24 to a man called walter.  At the time women could not vote and she wanted women to vote so after a couple of years she joined a wctu known as women’s christian temperance union. Next she went to New Zealand and she wanted New Zealand to be the first country to let women vote.

Circle the nouns and underline the verbs

Sheppard traveled all over New Zealand, writing to newspapers, holding public meetings and talking to members of parliament.

Womens could now vote! New Zealand women were the first in the world to be able to vote.

  1. Many men didn’t believe women should have the right to vote.

Tuesday 25 May 2021



Hello my name is Jason and today we are going to talk about football, in p.e we have been learning about how to play football. The six main things we have been  are passing, dribbling, shooting, juggling, stopping and changing directions. We have also learning about the rules like only the goalie can touch the ball with there hands there is also a rule called ball to hand which is when someone kicks the ball onto your hand or hands, and no offside it means when you are behind a defender and you get the ball. and only 7 are on the field and there has to be 3 or less subs.  Cristiano Ronaldo Helps Juventus Beat SPAL 2-0 To Top Serie A | Football  NewsCristiano Ronaldo: Football Legend Takes His Talents To Juventus | Football  News

Thursday 18 March 2021

Gummy bear osmosis


I want to find out what happens to gummy bears when we put them into  different solutions.


I predict that the gummy bears will grow bit by bit.

I predict that the gummy bears will dissolve into the solutions.



  • You will need 4x gummy bears of the same colour
  • You  will need 2x petri dishes
  • Taper towel 2x
  • Marker
  • Water
  • Sugar water
  • Salt water
  • Electronic balance
  • beaker
  • Measuring cylinder
  • safety glasses
  1. Gather your equipment.
  2. Put on your safety glasses.
  3. Using the marker, write the name of the condition on the petri dish. DRY,WATER,SALT WATER,SUGAR WATER.
  4. Weigh the gummy bear and write the weight on the petri dish.
  5. Measure 40mL of the solution and pour it into the petri dish.

        Results 2.0:

What is osmosis
Osmosis, the spontaneous passage or diffusion of water or other solvents through a semipermeable membrane (one that blocks the passage of dissolved substances—i.e., solutes).

DryWaterSalt waterSugar water
Initial weight5.51g5.51g5.51g
Final weight4.28g5.25g6.40g
weight differencegained 1.230.26g1.2g
Initial volume40mL40mL40mL
final volume0mL0mLomL
volume difference
lost 40mLlost 40mLlost 40mL

Thursday 11 March 2021

Skittles Colour Experiment


I won't to find out what happens when I put Skittles in water.



  • Skittles
  • Petri dish
  • Warm water
  • beaker
  • white background


  1. get equipment
  2. put the 8 Skittles in the perti dish
  3. Spread the Skittles around the petri dish evenly
  4. gently pour the water into the middle of the perti dish
  5. don't over fill the perti dish
  6. observe and record what happens

I think I will see the skittles colour would head to the centre


I saw the colour of the Skittles moving into the centre slowly and if you shook it it turned brown.
Because all the colours of the Skittles mixed together.

How cars changed the world

 How cars changed the world

 Hi readies we have to do three docs or slides of three articles and there are tasks that we have to do and we have to complete it and also we have to do a timeline. and after we finish all that we have to post on blog after we are done and here is my work. hope you learned something new.



Hello I'm talking about my sports hero Pele I really like how humble he is and how he started from the bottom and moved his way up and has become the goat and when I go to football training I like to admire him. and ill list some facts about him. I think you guys will like how I did. I heard about pele when I was young i was 5 when my dad told me. I look up to him because i love football and he plays football and he is  a real legend.

Tuesday 2 March 2021


 Conical flask.  


It holds liquids in the flask. You can also make elephant toothpaste fun fact elephant toothpaste is extremely hot and could burn you. We also have some others like beakers and a ton of other equipment. We also have some 

Thursday 25 February 2021

Hands on Fire

  1.  Aim:                                                                

I want to safely set my hands on Fire. 


I saw a big orange ball of fire that went up to the roof

I felt extremely scared, I felt heat, I felt pain because of the substance we had to put our hands in.

I heard bubbles bubbling the excitement of the class

I smelled the gas burning. The hairs on Mr stock arms were burnt and they went all black.











1. get your equipment

2. put on your safety glasses

3. fill container with water

4.put soap in container

5.connect your hose to the gas tap

6. put the other end of the hose in the container

7.turn on gas tap

8. wet your hands and your wrist up to your arm

9. with two hands and scoop the bubbles

10. extend your arms in front of your face

11. Do not pull you hands away

12. set the bubbles on fire with your lighter

13. to get rid of the fire slowly open your hand